How to Gift an Adherent Membership

The Adherent is the person who will receive the gift. This is NOT your information. You will be prompted for your information when you click Join Now.

Sign-Up Information

Create a password and remember the password. You will need to pass this on to the Adherent receiving the gift. You can easily change the password by simply using the Adherent’s Email Address. When you have filled in all the information needed, click on the “Join Now” button. A window will appear like the window below.

Information About the Person Gifting the Membership.

Next enter the Credit Card information about the person who is giving the membership.

When you Click Submit, the person who is purchasing the membership will receive a receipt to the email address (Buying person’s Email Address) and the person who is receiving the membership (The Adherent) will receive an email that they are now an Adherent to The Arena Disciplina.

Remember: An orderly way of life achieved through weekly Workout Challenges and Personal Charges.